DIY Electronics

Simple electronics as a hobby

Score Card using MIT App Inventor

Link to: Mit App Inventor

Score card is a phone app to keep score in the computer classroom. Students with the numbers 1 to 44 can be given a score from 0 to 10 (buttons not fully shown in the picture). The results are saved in a csv file in folder named scores on the Internal Storage of the phone. image
Quick instruction: Type a filename, homeroom + exercise (e.g.: 603_poster).
Click a button with student number. It will turn orange. Then click the score button in green background frame. The student button turns blue. You can watch your action in Student score frame (top right corner). As long as the button is orange, you can choose and click another button, no score is given. Once it is blue a score is attached to this button aka student number. A button colors light blue if you assign it a score of zero. You can change the score by clicking another score button or click zero (0 = no score).
Any time you can click the Save button and the file will be saved as e.g. 603_poster.csv. The Share button let's you share the file using email for instance. Once you close the app the file can not be reopened by this app. At the start of the app the csv file contains all zeros (0 = no score).

Components arrangement in Designer mode

image image
image image

Code in Blocks mode

This initialize global list uses Button01 to Button44.
Next image depicts the 2 collapsed blocks (if global index ....) in screen1.initialize and check_color.

Memory game using MIT app inventor for Android phone

Designer page screenshots.
The block based code in MIT App Inventor
Link to: Android install file memory_card.apk